PLUS Group Intellectual Property Policy and Guideline

We manage and use that intellectual property with the utmost respect for the uniqueness and intellectual property of other parties in the global community.

  1. 1.Management and use of intellectual property
    We acquire and manage intellectual property in an appropriate manner, and actively use it in our sales activities and business development.
    We also take a firm attitude against infringement of our intellectual property by other parties, such as counterfeit goods.
  2. 2.Respect for intellectual property of other parties
    We carry out necessary research to ensure that we do not infringe on intellectual property rights of others in the process of development of new products and services.
  3. 3.Training
    We provide training to improve understanding of intellectual property for our employees on an ongoing basis.
  4. 4.Promotion
    Our Intellectual Property Department works with other relevant departments to handle the acquisition, management and employment of all of PLUS’s intellectual property.
    Communication with Business partners.
    We believe it is necessary to strive to work together with our business partners to ensure mutual understanding regarding quality improvement and environmental protection.